Using your NDIS plan – Booklet 3

This booklet covers:

  • understanding what’s in your plan
  • learning how to use your plan
  • choosing and managing supports
    and services
  • reviewing your plan and progress.

How to use this booklet:

This booklet will help you at different stages of using your NDIS plan.
It can help you understand what a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan is and how to use
funding, arrange supports and services, and work towards your goals. It will also help you review your
goals and prepare for your plan to be reviewed.
Use this booklet when you talk with your early childhood partner, Local Area Coordinator (LAC),
Support Coordinator or the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) about your NDIS plan and how
you progress towards your goals. You can note things that need to be put in place or are working well
in your plan and what things might need to change.
You can use this booklet to record your questions, notes and ideas